Microsoft Native Client 10.0 Download

  1. Microsoft Sql Native Client 10.0 Download
  2. Sql Native Client 10.0 Download
  3. Microsoft Sql Server 2012 Native Client X64

Actully if I use the pass-through quieres

I am working on trying to get an application called OnBase working on a new PC for a user, which included a switch from XP to Win7. This application requires an ODBC connection which we were using SQL Native Client 9 but the vendor has suggested moving up to 10.

I have the same problem. The way I solved this issue (so far is working)

is to use ADODB

Public Function job_import(the_job As String)
Dim conn As Object
Dim rs As Object

Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
conn.Open 'Driver={SQL Server};Server=INTRANET;Database=M2MDATA02;Trusted_Connection=yes'

'Clear table
CurrentDb.Execute 'DELETE FROM local_jobs'
CurrentDb.Execute 'DELETE FROM local_routing'

var_sql = 'SELECT fjobno, fpartno, fpartrev, fsono, fstatus, fcompany, fddue_date, fjob_name, fopen_dt, fprodcl FROM Jomast WHERE fjobno=' & the_job & ''
rs.Open var_sql, conn, adOpenStatic
Do While Not rs.EOF
var_sql = 'INSERT INTO local_jobs (fjobno, fpartno, fpartrev, fsono, fstatus, fcompany, fddue_date, fjob_name, fopen_dt, fprodcl, sys_type) VALUES (' & Trim(rs('fjobno')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fpartno')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fpartrev')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fsono')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fstatus')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fcompany')) & ',' & rs('fddue_date') & ',' & Trim(rs('fjob_name')) & ',' & rs('fopen_dt') & ',' & Trim(rs('fprodcl')) & ',-1)'
CurrentDb.Execute var_sql

var_sql = 'SELECT foperno, fjobno, fpro_id, fopermemo FROM JODRTG WHERE fjobno=' & the_job & ' ORDER BY foperno'
rs.Open var_sql, conn, adOpenStatic
Do While Not rs.EOF
var_sql = 'INSERT INTO local_routing (foperno, fjobno, fpro_id, fopermemo) VALUES (' & Trim(rs('foperno')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fjobno')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fpro_id')) & ',' & Trim(rs('fopermemo')) & ')'
CurrentDb.Execute var_sql

Set conn = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing

End Function


ODBC is the primary native data access API for applications written in C and C++ for SQL Server. There is an ODBC driver for most data sources. Other languages that can use ODBC include COBOL, Perl, PHP, and Python. ODBC is widely used in data integration scenarios.

The ODBC driver comes with tools such as sqlcmd and bcp. The sqlcmd utility lets you run Transact-SQL statements, system procedures, and SQL scripts. The bcp utility bulk copies data between an instance of Microsoft SQL Server and a data file in a format you choose. You can use bcp to import many new rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out of tables into data files.


Code example in C++

The following C++ sample demonstrates how to use the ODBC APIs to connect to and access a database:


Microsoft Sql Native Client 10.0 Download


Sql Native Client 10.0 Download



  • SQL Server Native Client (the features available also apply, without OLEDB, to the ODBC Driver for SQL Server)

Linux and macOS


Microsoft Sql Server 2012 Native Client X64
